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Waler brackets provide added form support


All-steel waler brackets add strength and support to wall forms without requiring any additional bracing. Depending on the project and need, Western Forms offers a variety of leading quality waler brackets.


Standard Waler Bracket

Can be used with all Western Forms forming systems, as well as other aluminum forms, except those containing a PinLock. Attaches directly to the form panel.


(Refer to catalog for sizes.)


Pinlock™ Waler Bracket

Set and strip faster than any other type of waler system available. You’ll find this waler bracket proves itself time and again.


(Refer to catalog for sizes.)


Waler Bracket with Pin

​Eliminates the need for pins. Works with virtually all aluminum forming systems. Includes attachment hole for wall brace.


(Refer to catalog for sizes.)


Vertical Waler Bracket

This bracket is ideal when stacking forming applications where vertical alignment is required.



(Refer to catalog for sizes.)

Consult with a Western Forms representative to help you determine which product is best for your needs. Or for more details and information about any forming system and related hardware, ties & release, or hardware & accessories:

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